Fynn Mitchell

Fynn Mitchell

Stage 2

Sport Conservation & Sustainability

Hi I’m Fynn Mitchell, a 17-year-old endurance athlete from Southland. I am currently studying at Southland Boys High School but my real passion lies outside the classroom, adventure racing through the insane wilderness New Zealand has to offer.

The philosophy of ‘Mind over Matter’ and people pushing the perceived limits of the human body is something that hugely inspires me. I have a lot of belief in the quote from ex-navy seal turned ultra-endurance athlete David Goggins, ‘Where the mind is willing, the body is able.’  This inspires me to challenge myself and push my body to its limit so I do this through adventure racing.

Recently I completed Godzone Chapter 10 with FEAR Youth, the youngest team ever to complete Godzone and at 16 years only, I was the youngest competitor ever. Going into this I had no experience with a race of this length or difficulty but trusted in my ability to adapt and problem solve to get myself and the team through. We finished unranked due to an injury which forced a team member to pull out. This was devastating but has only made us hungrier for redemption in Godzone 2023. Racing with FEAR youth I have won the Wilderness Traverse of Fiordland and placed 3rd in National Rogaine champs and 4th in A1 world championship.

While racing I want to pursue a career in the agricultural sector, where I wish to develop innovative new products and systems that make agriculture a more sustainable and successful industry in the future. I aim to bring a fresh perspective to our approach to agriculture and provide practical alternatives to current non-sustainable practices.

I am stoked to be a part of stage 1 Pinnacle Program and aim to get the most out of the opportunities presented.

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