Peyton Morete

Peyton Morete


Peyton Morete

Kia Ora! I am a passionate 20-year-old actress, singer-songwriter and content creator from Te Whanganui-A-Tara who is in my second year of a Bachelor in Commercial Music at Massey University. These are things I have done from a very young age and have always held a special place in my heart. I’ve worked hard and experienced a lot of things (positive and negative) in the world of arts, but have pushed through and am excited to continue my journey.

I joined Pinnacle because my mum had shown it to me and I thought it looked super cool, I also was super excited about the opportunities I could get if I got in. I was accepted into the Pinnacle Programme in 2018 and was really nervous about meeting all these new people. Through each stage I’ve had to face challenges, which I would have been able to avoid during my day-to-day life, but they have helped me become who I am today. My time on the Spirit and at Whenua Iti Outdoors are memories I cherish and I did so many amazing things I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to do. Kai Waho was also another special time in which I got to reflect on who I am, what I want and how I’m going to get it, all while staying true to myself.

The Pinnacle Programme has not only helped me continue to grow as a leader but also gain control of parts of my life that were hard. I came into this very socially anxious and had a lot of worries which left me a bit disorientated on how to reach my goals. But through the friendships, planning, and the constant love and support this programme has given me, I have been able to find more of my potential to better myself for my future. Now having graduated in 2022, I am confident and able to talk with others better, hone into my craft even more, and have met other strong individuals with a burning passion for their goals which continues to inspire me.

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