Nathan Limm

Nathan Limm


Nathan Limm

Two things in this world come more naturally to me than anything else.

Sport and words.

I entered the Pinnacle Programme well aware of my strengths but unsure of my final destination. Three years later, I graduated from the Programme with a clear path into the profession of sports broadcasting and journalism, not to mention a passion and desire for success which has only been enhanced.

I currently work as a sports journalist at Newstalk ZB and the New Zealand Herald after wrapping up my degree in communications at AUT. My vocation is very simple; I want to be the country's top sports journalist and broadcaster.

Pinnacle has given me the confidence to make the very things I love my career. When I'm at work, I watch, discuss and write about sport. When I'm at home, I watch, discuss and write about sport. The Programme has given me the skills to confidently connect with some of the heavyweights in the industry so I can work with - and crucially, learn from - the best.

I'm only at the very beginning of my journey, with a mountain of hard work ahead. Ironically, I can barely find the words to describe my excitement.

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