Heather Niccolls

Heather Niccolls


Heather Niccolls

Kia ora Katoa,

I graduated from the Pinnacle Programme at the end of 2019 as well as graduating from the University of Canterbury with a Bcs majoring in geography. The programme inspired me to make a difference and look after our Taiao (environment), as I went on to work for the Department of Conversation. However, after a short time working on the Hen and Chicken Islands I was lured back to Outward Bound(OB), after attending a course nearly 3 years ago. I was so inspired by the instructors at the time and remained in contact with a few of them, that I ended up doing an internship at OB. Following that, I worked for Motutapu Island outdoor Centre instructing and inspiring young children, passing on my passion for the environment and outdoor adventure activities. Currently, I have been living on a boat for 6 months and am sailing across the Pacific from Guatemala back to NZ.

The Pinnacle Programme has supported me, inspired me and believed in me, more than I thought worthy at times. It has shaped my future, changed my perspective, given me advice and important life lessons. Without this programme, I may not have discovered Outdoor instructing and Outward Bound so I forever am grateful for the Hyundai team.

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